Supernova by nikolae
SciFi Safety Planet by nikolae
Movie Theater Disturbance Sphere by nikolae
Ant Robot Design by nikolae
Rubiks Cube On Court by nikolae
Number 23 Staircase by nikolae
Exploding Concrete Ball by nikolae
Bionic Butterfly 2.0 by nikolae
Teflon Sega Artwork by nikolae
Levitating Forest Ball by nikolae
Futuristic Ufo Drones by nikolae
Futuristic Shipping Carts by nikolae


Location: Bulgaria
Name: Nikolay
Age: 26

I have been interested in art from a young age. My first experience with Adobe Photoshop was when I was about 12 and I loved it immediately. I edited some scanned photos from analog cameras and a couple of years after I saved some money and bought my first (very cheap) digital camera so I could edit my own shots...

Many years went by until I could turn my hobby into a job. Somehow I managed to do it without proper education. I started to work as a graphic designer and to gain more and more knowledge as I went through variety of projects. Meanwhile I didn’t stop developing my own style as I made my own little projects that made me happy.

It all led to 2018 when I started to learn 3D modeling. I can freely say that I never enjoyed doing anything else more than this and I hope you enjoy my work too!